Aminet 21
Aminet 21 (1997)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Oct 1997].iso
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Text File
103 lines
; *** Compulsory in the user program
XDEF _loader ; the user entrypoint
XDEF _user_pbuffer ; the user relocatable routines
XDEF _general_pbuffer ; the HDStartup relocatable routines
XDEF _UserPatchRoutines ; label for user reloc routines
XDEF _EndUserPatchRoutines ; label for end of user reloc routines
; *** Non-relocated routines. call normally with JSR
; *** NEVER call them with JSRGEN: it would crash immediately.
XREF _CloseAll ; quit program (while the OS is up)
XREF _CloseAllQuiet ; quit program and close window
XREF _LoadDisks ; load diskfiles
XREF _LoadDiskFromName ; load a disk
XREF _LoadDisksIndex ; load a disk, starting from number D0
XREF _LoadFiles ; load files in the directory
XREF _LoadSmallFiles ; load small files (<D0)
XREF _Kick37Test ; check if Kickstart version <37
XREF _KickVerTest ; check against a given kick version
XREF _GetMemFlag ; returns MEMF_REVERSE flag isf available
XREF _FlushCachesSys ; flush caches using CacheClearU()
XREF _Enhance ; restores everything (caches, display)
XREF _Degrade ; degrades everything
XREF _DegradeCpu ; degrades only CPU related stuff
XREF _DegradeGfx ; degrades only GFX related stuff
XREF _TransfRoutines ; relocates routines on top of memory
XREF _SaveOSData ; saves OS data (mem,CIAs,custom...)
XREF _FreezeAll ; clears all ints, dma...
XREF _Display ; display a string pointed by A1
XREF _LoadRNCFile ; load a RNC file and unpack it
XREF _AllocExtMem ; allocate extension memory
XREF _Test1MBChip ; check against 1MB of chip (at least)
XREF _Test2MBChip ; check against 2MB of chip
XREF _Reboot ; reboots :-)
XREF _WaitReturn ; waits for the user to press return key
; *** Relocated routines. always call with JSRGEN (see macros.i)
; *** from user program. It works with JSR but if the OS is killed
; *** JSRGEN is safer as it jumps in the allocated block
; *** which is in the top of memory (MEMF_REVERSE) if kick > 38
; *** fast memory is used when found, else chipmem is used
; ***
; *** I also included a short description of the routines
; *** Please read the autodocs to get more details
XREF _GetSR ; returns SR in D0
XREF _GoECS ; resets sprite aspect/playfield/goes 15KHz
XREF _GetAttnFlags ; gets system attnflags, at any time
XREF _ResetDisplay ; switches in PAL or NTSC if specified
XREF _ResetSprites ; resets sprite aspect
XREF _BlackScreen ; sets all color registers to black
XREF _BlockFastMem ; allocates all fastmem. Do not use :-)
XREF _InitTrackDisk ; returns a fake disk IO pointer in A1
XREF _TrackLoadFast ; simulates DoIO()
XREF _TrackLoadHD ; does not work. Do not use
XREF _SetTDUnit ; sets drive unit in D0 (for DoIO emulation)
XREF _SetDisk ; sets current disk (useful with HDLOAD)
XREF _ReadRobSectorsFast ; reads sectors, rob northen interface
XREF _ReadFile ; reads file, rob northen interface, from RAM or HD
XREF _ReadFileFast ; reads file, rob northen interface, from RAM only
XREF _ReadFileHD ; reads file, rob northen interface, from HD only
XREF _WriteFileHD ; writes file on HD during game
XREF _DeleteFileHD ; deletes file from HD during game (careful :-))
XREF _PPDecrunch ; decrunches PowerPacker files/blocks
XREF _ATNDecrunch ; decrunches ATN! files/blocks
XREF _RNCDecrunch ; decrunches RNC\01 files/blocks
XREF _FungusDecrunch ; decrunches Gremlins packer files/blocks
XREF _RNCDecrunchEncrypted ; decrunches RNC/01 encrypted files/blocks
XREF _RNCLength ; gives the length of decunched RNC file
XREF _FlushCachesHard ; flushes all caches
XREF _WaitBlit ; waits till blitter operation is complete
XREF _BeamDelay ; waits using $DFF006 register
XREF _TestFile ; check if a file is here
XREF _PatchExceptions ; install JOTD exception handler (done in SaveOSData)
XREF _StrcmpAsm ; compares 2 strings (null termintated). Not case sensitive
XREF _StrcpyAsm ; copies a string (null terminated)
XREF _StrlenAsm ; returns length of a string (ends with null)
XREF _ToUpperAsm ; converts a string in upper case
XREF _WaitMouse ; waits for LMB to be pressed. Colors fill the screen
XREF _WaitMouseInterrupt ; same thing but interrupts are enabled (HRTMon)
XREF _GetDiskPointer ; gets start of the specified diskfile (D0)
XREF _CheckAGA ; checks if the computer is AGA
XREF _InGameExit ; exits to WB from game
XREF _SaveCustomRegs ; saves important custom registers
XREF _RestoreCustomRegs ; restores them
XREF _SaveCIARegs ; saves all CIA info possible and LED state
XREF _RestoreCIARegs ; restores them
XREF _InGameOSCall ; call a user OS routine during the game
XREF _SetExitRoutine ; to call a user routine just before exit
; *** exported variables
XREF _GeneralPatchRoutines ; HD Startup reloc routines
XREF reloc_userstack ; old user stack
; *** system
XREF _DosBase ; dos.library base
XREF _SysBase ; exec.library base
XREF _GfxBase ; graphics.library base